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编号:P022728H08C01A35 [查询]


地产商业行业 营销部
出生日期: 1972年
婚姻状况: 已婚
教育背景: 1、1997年毕业于University Of Malaya 理科 学历:本科
工作经验: 10年以上工作经验,有海外工作、学习经验
个人评价: I am a highly organized, creative and motivated professional with extensive experience in business development, Having worked for my current company in the business development role, I have developed the skills necessary to become an immediate and valuable asset to your company, In my present role, I am involved in high-level strategy development and am responsible for maintaining strong relationships with key contacts in existing accounts, as well as developing new contacts and relationships. I also keep a close eye on market trends and identify gaps and niches that represent new business opportunities. This involves continual business prospecting and bidding, and maintaining high volume pipeline management. I enjoy nothing more than big-picture, forward thinking but am also very analytical and thorough in developing business plans and strategies. I am very much a team player and thrive in a stimulating and dynamic environment. My goal is to continue learning and developing my expertise in my future role.
On a personal level I am naturally enthusiastic, very hard working and commercially minded with the ability to pick up new skills quickly. I have comprehensive knowledge about a wide number of related job functions and come to you with a long list of appropriate qualifications.
I am keen to work for a company like yours which not only offers great career opportunities but more importantly gives me the chance to be part of something really special. Please find attached my current CV, which further details my achievements and qualifications.
I look forward in much anticipation to hearing from you.
工作经历1: 1998年9月至今 在 ※※※ 公司 任 营销 总监
 主要职责: 2015 – Current
Position: Associate Director, Special Projects and Strategic Initiatives

Based in Regional offices - Iskandar Development Johor and Singapore
Acknowledged as Forbes Asia’s Top 30 Companies,· China’s Top 10 Property Developer,· Listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2007,Market Capitalization exceeds $7.5 Billion USD,· Annual Sales exceeds $20 Billion USD,· Developed over 200 township projects in China’s 22 provinces,· Global offices in Malaysia, Au...
工作经历2: 2011年3月--2015年5月 在 One Builtwell 任 营销 总经理
 主要职责: Position: General Manager
Company: One Builtwell Associate (M) Sdn Bhd
- A company with diversified businesses in the area of Automotive, Construction and Property development
 Responsible for making tough decisions and providing direction, guidance and support to a team
 Building the self-esteem of employees.
 Supervising junior members of staff and keeping an eye on their performance.
 Putting together the staff works roles for the coming weeks.
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