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编号:P021188H07C01A02 [查询]


制造加工行业 R&D部
出生日期: 1970年
婚姻状况: 已婚
教育背景: 1、1990年毕业于NTU Mechanical 学历:本科
工作经验: 10年以上工作经验,有海外工作、学习经验
个人评价: Computer / Languages skill:
a) Excellent MS office skill, familiar with major communication, management, engineering applications.
b) Excellent English capability perform webex international meeting, recognize key points, distribute tasks to key personnel and monitor the progress. Joint international Trade show / engineering campaign, provide professional presentation.
c) Entry level in German and Japanese for industrial terms.

Education and Training :
d) Mechanical engineering, Taipei University of Technology, 1990.
e) Training courses Wireless telecommunication and networking, Taiwan University,1999.
f) International trading, Chengchi University, 2001. E.M.B.A. Credit
g) PMP, training on integration, scope, time, cost, quality, HR, communication, risk, procurement, shareholder management. 2011
h) General Motor specific GQTS product development system- supply quality control and tracking, launch readiness using APQP, PFMEA, CP; execute PPAP with MSA, SPC, maintain program required R@R – on job training.
i) FORD Motor specific GPDS product development system – electronic design and validation, digital pre-assembly, robust specification development, DFMEA, SCCAF, PFMEA Issues resolution using G8D – on job training.
工作经历1: 2013年10月至今 在 ※※※ 公司 任 R&D SeniorProgramManager
 主要职责: 1.Maintain global communication, structure R&D team in program deliverable, coach team with customer’s engineering specification, create DFMEA, and conduct Design Validation activities
2.Overall program management, process APQP, prepare the manufacturing readiness, optimize profit margin.
3.Development multiple programs, launch manufacturing facilities at China, deliver to Asian pacific countries. Coordinate global communication, establish engineering development process, packing method and in...
工作经历2: 2012年3月--2013年10月 在 VAST China Co. Ltd. 任 项目经理
 主要职责: VAST Alliance including ADAC, STRATTEC from North American and WITTE from Germany, the company product range covers latching system, lock sets, driver controls, door handles, exterior trim and lighting system. Following are my key role and task description.
2)2012~2013, “Global Program manager”,
Development multiple programs, launch manufacturing facilities at China, deliver to Asian pacific countries. Coordinate global communication, establish engineering development process, packing meth...
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