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  《职业经理人周刊》   猎头班长v微博   微信:AirPnP   2017/11/28
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【PREDICTION】Leadership development continues to be a challenge year after year. In 2017, a focus on “digital leadership” and rethinking the leadership pipeline will be critical to addressing this perennial problem.

金令牌搜索企业 职位 经理人 专访 社区 会员
生物工程新药研发与临床转化 A轮--人力资源总监50-80万北京
知名商业百货集团公司人力资源部总经理助理 70万北京 哈尔滨
著名互联网广告公司(pre-ipo)HRD50-70万北京 杭州
大型金融科技投资集团公司-董事长助理 40-50万河北 北京
国内知名保险公司-人力资源总监 50-70万北京
旅游产业集团-人力资源总监/总裁助理40-50万广东 北京
影视传媒-新三板IPO—人力资源VP50-70万北京 上海

Figure 15: The Leadership Maturity Model

【KEY POINT】 We should push young people into leadership roles, give them the support they need, and coach them so they can grow and improve.

预测9 :多样性、包容性和无意识偏见将成为头等大事

Diversity, Inclusion, and Unconscious Bias Will Become a Top Priority

十多年来,HR 们已经高度重视多样性问题,并将此议题列入“日程表”。多样性问题曾经被视为一项合规项目,如今已经成为一项组织战略。在2017年,HR 组织需要将这个问题视为头等大事,并且确保你的组织正在获取正确的信息,正式地分享它,并开发一个全面的包容性与多样性项目,以便其覆盖组织所有的人才管理实践项目。

Figure 16:The Talent Management Maturity Model

【PREDICTION】Diversity, inclusion, and the removal of unconscious bias will become CEO-level issues in 2017. New tools are making this problem easier to diagnose and address.


The L&D Function Will Continue to Struggle

十多年来,HR 们已经高度重视多样性问题,并将此议题列入“日程表”。多样性问题曾经被视为一项合规项目,如今已经成为一项组织战略。在2017年,HR 组织需要将这个问题视为头等大事,并且确保你的组织正在获取正确的信息,正式地分享它,并开发一个全面的包容性与多样性项目,以便其覆盖组织所有的人才管理实践项目。

Figure 17: Rapid Evolution of Corporate Learning

【PREDICTION】The corporate L&D market is undergoing one of its most disruptive times in the last 15 years.

Figure 18: The Learning Organization Maturity Mode

Case in Point:

The New World of Learning Experiences

One of the leading examples of this is a company we have been working with for years, AT&T. It operates in one of the most competitive and disruptive markets in the world—and its employees and engineers must constantly be learning.

The company has built an “always-on” learning model that encourages (and forces) everyone to develop themselves on a continuous basis. Leaders are coached and rewarded for the learning of their teams, and the learning environment is digital and consumer-like.


The Future of Work Is Here and HR Is in the Hot Seat


【PREDICTION】AI, robotics, and cognitive systems are augmenting and changing jobs, professions, and careers. HR needs to learn about the future of work and help to redesign the organization faster than ever.

I was recently asked to research this topic, and develop a point of view and speech which you can read about here.53 The essential issue we face in 2017 is the rapid commoditization of AI technology (speech recognition, natural language processing, sensors, and robotics) and the impact that could have on almost every job.

• Healthcare workers and X-ray technicians are now aided by smart software that can help to diagnose disease, read X-rays, and recommend drugs with high degrees of accuracy.

• Manufacturing plants are rapidly installing robots (China is purchasing more than 260,000 robots this year, and is likely to become the number one market for robotics55) and these robots can see better than the human eye.

• Most mobile phones have more than six smart sensors (e.g., audio, GPS, accelerometer, temperature, camera, humidity), and are now able to listen to our voice and identify stress. In fact, new research by Stanford56 shows that voice recognition is three times more accurate at typing than our hands.

• New software which integrates mobility, drone sensors, and weather patterns is revolutionizing farming and farm machines,57 the way we decide which road to take, and how insurance is priced. Insurance companies now have tools that can scan photos of your accident and almost immediately size your claim.

These new tools are becoming commonplace; they are entering the workforce at a time when jobs themselves are becoming more dynamic, more than 40 percent of workers are contingent,59 and the gap between the “haves” and “have-nots” has increased. So we, as HR leaders, are in the hot seat to figure out what all of this means.

If you read the article I mentioned above, you will see that the future of work is not simply about using technology to replace people. The real “future of work” issue is all about making jobs “more human”—redesigning jobs, redesigning work, and redesigning organizations so that the “people side” of work has even more importance and focus than ever.


Bersin by Deloitte delivers research-based people strategies designed to help leaders and their organizations deliver exceptional business performance. Bersin by Deloitte membership gives Fortune 1000 and Forbes Global 2000 HR professionals the information, action-focused tools, and performance support materials they need to prioritize, design, and implement leading practice solutions, as well as benchmark against others, develop their staff, and select and implement systems. A piece of Bersin by Deloitte research is downloaded on average approximately every minute during the business day. More than 5,000 organizations worldwide use our research and consulting to guide their HR, talent, and learning strategies.

Copyright © 2016 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

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