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  《职业经理人周刊》   猎头班长v微博   微信:AirPnP   2017/11/28
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Digital HR and Learning Will Help Us to Reinvent L&D and HR Systems

金令牌搜索企业 职位 经理人 专访 社区 会员
生物工程新药研发与临床转化 A轮--人力资源总监50-80万北京
知名商业百货集团公司人力资源部总经理助理 70万北京 哈尔滨
著名互联网广告公司(pre-ipo)HRD50-70万北京 杭州
大型金融科技投资集团公司-董事长助理 40-50万河北 北京
国内知名保险公司-人力资源总监 50-70万北京
旅游产业集团-人力资源总监/总裁助理40-50万广东 北京
影视传媒-新三板IPO—人力资源VP50-70万北京 上海

在过去五年,公司在一体化、云端、核心的HR系统上投入了大量资金。然而Cedar Crestone的研究显示,尽管投入巨大,员工仍然对他们的HR系统和解决方案不满意。解决方案就在眼前。人力资源组织现在必须学习“如何数字化”,而不仅仅是“购买数字化产品”


• 让新程序快速上线,在时间中迭代改进;

• 采纳数字工具和设计。

【PREDICTION】 Digital HR is here to stay. We, in HR, have to “do digital,” as well as “be digital,” in everything we do.

Digital solutions in HR (and learning) mean several things. • Hackathons and MVP (minimal viable products) work to get new apps and programs out the door quickly, with iterative improvement over time. Rather than do a two- to three-year implementation of a major new HR system, we have to add new apps and solutions much more quickly.

• Adoption of digital tools and design. We need to become very good at building digital apps, creating well-designed user experiences, and using the tips and techniques of gamification, behavioral economics (nudges), and analytics in HR. Rather than telling people to “travel less,” we might want to give them a nudge application that compares their travel to others and incents them to slow down.

• Increasing transparency. Whether we like it or not, everything in HR has become transparent. People now know who is being promoted; they probably know their salary versus external benchmarks; and they know your company’s brand attributes on the outside market. Rather than fight or hide things from employees, we have to think “what if we share this and let people comment and rate things” instead.

• Standardizing platforms. In many ways, HR itself is a “platform”—we provide services, tools, information, and data to managers and employees all day. We have to think about ourselves as a team of centers of excellence (or a network of excellence) built on one standard HR Platform, with real-time data for all. One of our large clients in India, for example, implemented SAP in a unique way to build real-time dashboards for hiring speed, time to proficiency, turnover metrics, and engagement metrics in all 1,000-plus of its regional business offices. Everyone can see everything, so management decisions happen fast.

• Bringing heterogeneous platform experiences together. No matter how hard you try, it is nearly impossible to standardize on one technology vendor for all of your HR services. Our latest research actually found that the average company has seven different “systems of record,” and that problem is never likely to go away. The idea of an HR portal has been around for decades, but today with mobile needs and dynamic workers, we need a better solution. An effective option is to build an integrated employee experience platform, one built on apps and an integrated backend. Our case study on Commonwealth Bank of Australia31 describes how they did this; new products like Deloitte ConnectMe32 integrate employee transaction needs, services, and personalization in one integrated system.

• Moving HR teams around. Just as a business would provide job rotation, experiential learning, and exposure to new leaders, we should do the same in HR. Digital business means always being able to “pivot”—move people into new jobs—and that often means into and out of HR. HR business partners should have business rotations and business leaders should rotate into HR as well.

• Data-driven everything. Analytics is no longer a “good idea” for HR—it is now mandatory. Effective digital HR means you have good data; you have an analytics team; your systems are integrated and cleaned up; and you can find accurate information quickly. Without this data “platform,” you will likely fall behind the rest of the business and decisions may be made too slowly.


The Leadership Market Will Start a Steady Process of Reinvention

人力资源部门最重要的任务之一是确保组织拥有强大并配合一致的领导力梯队应对未来挑战。每年,领导力发展对于HR 来说都是一个挑战,且是一项优先级较高的工作。传统的领导力策略已经过时,无法适应最新的商业发展需要,很多传统的领导力模型需要被更新。

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